Bioinformatics support on several studies and software development efforts related to statistical genetics, with a focus on human genomics and relationship inference.
Statistical genetics
VP Nagraj, M Scholz, S Jessa, J Ge, M Huang, A Woerner, D Peters, B Budowle, M Coble, SD Turner.
Relationship Inference with Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing on Forensic Samples.
Forensic Genomics,
VP Nagraj, M Scholz, S Jessa, J Ge, AE Woerner, M Huang, B Budowle, SD Turner.
vcferr: Development, validation, and application of a single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping error simulation framework.
F1000 Research,
Project Project Project Project
SD Turner, VP Nagraj, M Scholz, S Jessa, C Acevedo, J Ge, AE Woerner, B Budowle.
Evaluating the Impact of Dropout and Genotyping Error on SNP-Based Kinship Analysis With Forensic Samples.
Frontiers in Genetics,
SD Turner, VP Nagraj, M Scholz, S Jessa, C Acevedo, AE Woerner, J Ge, B Budowle.
skater: an R package for SNP-based kinship analysis, testing, and evaluation.
F1000 Research,
Project Project Project