example of how to call multiple functions on an object using purrr
use tail to interactively follow logs for AWS EC2 instance
example of using params to toggle eval chunk option with R Markdown
demonstration of tidyr::expand() and tidyr::complete() with helpers
iteratively visualizing color scales
models with dplyr::group_modify()
visualizing the pandemic in three dimensions
function to ‘zoom in’ with ggplot2
basic usage of patchwork package for arranging plots
read lists of files directly from github
render an entire directory of image files in rmarkdown powerpoint output
example demonstrating the visNetwork R package
helpers for summary statistics in R
some simple recipes for vcf data manipulation with bcftools
convenience for viewing delimited text files
a demonstration of some basic usage for tmux
highlights from rstudio::conf 2020
how to make animated GIF images using the magick R package
a collection of useful bash aliases
methods for accessing filenames without file extensions
methods for plotting ROC curves
comparing bash and R for iterative file manipulation
a containerized workflow with R
count and overall percentage in groups
barplots in barplots in barplots
explorations with tidyeval
shiny server for a single app
highlights from rstudio::conf 2019
incorporating ‘multifunctioning’ plot elements
benchmarking dplyr filter versus base subsetting methods
fill dates between a start and stop time with dplyr syntax
reading data stored in fixed width format into R using CDC natality data
exploring the botanical information and ecology network database (BIEN) with R
transparency in ggplot2 plots
create a choropleth map with R and Leaflet
how to create ‘templated’ r markdown reports
how to split data into chunks for processing in R
using install.packages() to install package from source
recap of how to make interactive r markdown documents
formatting a character vector as a list in R markdown
custom domain for this github pages site
interactive network visualiztion with D3 and R
Worked full or CI P of reasons. Was years.
a brief discussion of two methods for computing map distance