There are many efforts in place to collect, curate, and distribute data about the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, many folks have contributed methods to visually and statistically understand the spread of the disease. This post will walk through code to use the threejs
R package to look at cases globally as well by state for the United States.
First, a little bit about threejs
. The package is an interface for the three.js
JavaScript library. The globejs()
function in the package allows users to render an interactive, three dimensional globe.
A minimal example:
globejs(bg = "firebrick")
We’ll use globejs()
to create an interactive visualization of COVID-19 cases around the world. To do so, we need data describing the pandemic. Our World In Data (OWID) makes all visualizations and databases publicly available1. The OWID coronavirus dataset includes a number of variables, including country name, date, and total number of COVID-19 cases. However, this data does not include the latitude and longitude of each country. Google’s Dataset Publishing Language project makes coordinate data publicly available2.
For the visualization, we’ll look at a scaled version of the total number of cases in each country as of August 6, 2020.
## data prep
lat_lon <-
## read file with country lat/lon directly from DSPL github
read_csv("") %>%
## rename the column with country name for joining
rename(location = name)
covid_world <-
## read in owid covid data
read_csv("") %>%
## subset to august 6, 2020
filter(date == as.Date("2020-08-06", format = "%Y-%m-%d")) %>%
## join to lat lon for coordinates
left_join(lat_lon) %>%
filter(location != "World") %>%
## create scaled version of case counts for plot
mutate(scaled = 1000 * total_cases / max(total_cases))
## render the globe
## NOTE: the "value" corresponds to height of bar
globejs(lat = covid_world$latitude,
lon = covid_world$longitude,
color = "firebrick",
value = covid_world$scaled)
Next we can make a similar visualization for the distribution of cases in the United States across states and territories. The data for this will come from the COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University3
To retrieve the data, we’ll need to define a couple of helper functions. The read_repo()
function (more details in a previous post) compiles all .csv
files in the JHU CSSE COVID-19 repository. Each of these has daily case counts by state, along with latitude and longitude coordinates. The second helper function (read_counts()
) is a modified version of read_csv()
that adds a column for the date of each file.
read_repo <- function(repo, branch = "master", pattern = NULL, to_tibble = TRUE, .f = read_csv, ...) {
## construct GET request from the repo and branch
api_request <- httr::GET(paste0("",
## extract path element from the API response
repo_files <- purrr::map_chr(httr::content(api_request)$tree, "path")
## if a pattern is passed use it to parse files of interest
if(!is.null(pattern)) {
repo_files <- repo_files[grepl(pattern, repo_files)]
## construct raw content URLs to files of interest
repo_files <- file.path("",
## check that the value passed to .f is a function available in the environment
.f <-
## if to_tibble then use map_df() to compile results as a tibble
## otherwise return a list via map()
if(to_tibble) {
purrr::map_df(repo_files, .f = .f, ...)
} else {
purrr::map(repo_files, .f = .f, ...)
read_counts <- function(file) {
message(sprintf("Reading file: %s", file))
tmp <- readr::read_csv(file, col_types = readr::cols())
tmp$date <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file))
covid_usa <-
read_repo(repo = "CSSEGISandData/COVID-19",
pattern = "csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports_us/.*.csv$",
to_tibble = TRUE,
.f = read_counts)
With the data compiled we can put counts on the globe. We’ll look at a single date (August 6, 2020). Again, we’ll scale the total confirmed cases that will be passed to the “value” argument. The initial rotation coordinates are set with “rotationlong” and “rotationlat” and the zoom level is defined with the “fov” argument. Note that the scale sets each state’s value relative to the maximum of all states. In other words, the height of the bars should not be compared to the height of bars in the first plot of cases across the world.
latest <-
covid_usa %>%
filter(date == "08-06-2020")
globejs(lat = latest$Lat,
lon = latest$Long_,
color = "firebrick",
## scale value
value = 100 * (latest$Confirmed / max(latest$Confirmed)),
## set the starting zoom
fov = 20,
## set the starting rotation coordinates
rotationlong = 49.8,
rotationlat = -49.8)
Last of all, the code below (not run) will loop over a sequence of dates (one week increments) regenerating the globe at each iteration. The visualizations will effectively animate the evolution of the outbreak by state.
## get dates
dates <- sort(unique(covid_usa$date))
## get dates in one week increments
weeks <- dates[seq(1, length(dates), 7)]
## loop over each date
for(d in weeks) {
## subset the date for the given date
tmp <- filter(covid_usa, date == d)
## message with the date
## have to include print() inside for loop
globejs(lat = tmp$Lat,
lon = tmp$Long_,
## color of bars
color = "firebrick",
## scale value
value = 100 * (tmp$Confirmed / max(tmp$Confirmed)),
## set the starting zoom
fov = 20,
## set the starting rotation coordinates
rotationlong = 49.8,
rotationlat = -49.8,
## use a white background
bg = "white")
## pause for 1 second between plots
From the OWID FAQ: “Visualizations and text are licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA and may be freely used for any purpose. The data in all interactive charts is available for download – you can find it under the Data tab at the bottom of the visualisation.” No changes were made to the original content as it is used here.↩︎
Per the DSPL countries.csv page, this dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. No changes were made to the original content as it is used here.↩︎
From the CSSE GitHub repository terms of use: “This data set is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) by the Johns Hopkins University on behalf of its Center for Systems Science in Engineering. Copyright Johns Hopkins University 2020.” No changes were made to the original content as it is used here.↩︎