Expand Dates Between

A few weeks ago I helped someone who needed to expand a data frame that included events (with a start and stop date for each) to one that had rows for every date in an event (including start and stop) … the code below gives a reproducible example of how to do that with dplyr:


start_time <- sample(seq(as.Date("1999/1/1"), as.Date("1999/12/31"), "days"), 5)
end_time <- start_time + sample(2:4, size = length(start_time), replace = TRUE)
data_frame(start = start_time, end = end_time)
start end
1999-07-17 1999-07-20
1999-01-03 1999-01-05
1999-12-12 1999-12-16
1999-12-04 1999-12-06
1999-06-30 1999-07-02
data_frame(start = start_time, end = end_time) %>%
  mutate(id = 1:nrow(.)) %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  do(data.frame(id=.$id, days=seq(.$start,.$end,by="days")))
id days
1 1999-07-17
1 1999-07-18
1 1999-07-19
1 1999-07-20
2 1999-01-03
2 1999-01-04
2 1999-01-05
3 1999-12-12
3 1999-12-13
3 1999-12-14
3 1999-12-15
3 1999-12-16
4 1999-12-04
4 1999-12-05
4 1999-12-06
5 1999-06-30
5 1999-07-01
5 1999-07-02

This borrows from a SO post that also includes a data.table solution.
